Concrete Block:环球视讯
The essential materials for making concrete blocks are a hydraulic binder, water and aggregate, and, in the case of aerated concrete blocks only, a reactive foaming agent to produce their characteristic cellular structure. Additives and/or admixtures are also used sometimes to extend the product range.
The binder is a Portland cement either alone or mixed with lime, pulverized-fuel ash or ground granulated blastfurnace slag. The Portland cement is usually of ordinary or rapid-hardening type; others are used only when their special properties are required in specific applications. A very wide range of aggregates are used; they may be of dense or lightweight type, normally with a maximum size not exceeding 10 mm. The most common additives are pigments used to impart different colours; admixtures, such as retarders, accelerators and water-reducing agents, are used to facilitate the block manufacturing processes or to impart certain special properties to the finished blocks.
胶结料可以是单独使用的硅酸盐水泥,或者将其与石灰、粉煤灰或磨细的粒化高炉渣混合使用。通常采用普通型或快硬型的硅酸盐水泥;其他类型只是在特殊用途中,要求具有特殊性质时才使用。使用的集料范围很广,可以是致密的或者是轻型的,通常其最大尺寸不超过 10mm。最普通的添加剂是赋予砌块不同颜色的颜料。外加剂,诸如缓凝剂、速凝剂和减水剂,被用来简化砌块的制造过程或者赋予成品砌块以某些特殊的性质。
There are two main types of concrete blocks, aggregate concrete blocks and aerated concrete blocks. There are three basic forms of concrete block, solid, cellular, and hollow, and within each type a variety of products are available thus providing versatility to blockwork construction both in style and function. A solid block has no formed holes or cavities other than those inherent in the material, although it may contain transverse slots to facilitate cutting, while cellular and hollow blocks have one or more formed holes or cavities which in hollow blocks pass right through them. It should be noted that all three forms of block can be produced using aggregate concrete but with aerated concrete only the solid form can be manufactured.
The properties of concrete blocks depend to a varying degree on the type and proportions of the constituent materials, the manufacturing process, and the mode and duration of curing employed, as well as on the form and size of the block itself. Since all of these can vary greatly, it is advisable to consult the manufacturer's literature for specific information on his product.
The density of concrete blocks is largely a function of the aggregate density, size and grading, degree of compaction or aeration and the block form. The typical range for dry density is 500 to 2100 kg/, with aerated and solid dense aggregate concrete blocks being on the lighter and heavier end of the scale respectively and lightweight and dense aggregate concrete blocks of cellular and hollow form falling in the middle of the range.
混凝土砌块的密度主要是集料密度、粒径和级配、捣实或加气的程度和砌块的形式的函数。典型的干燥密度的范围是 500-2100 kg/,加气的和实心密实的集料混凝土砌块分别对应于这个范围以轻到重的两个端点,而轻质的和密实的集料的多孔和空心混凝土砌块则位于此范围的中间。
In addition to size, compressive strength is the basic requirement of concrete blocks. The compressive strength of concrete blocks is dependent mainly on their mix composition ( in particular binder content), degree of compaction (or aeration) and to a lesser extent on the aggregate type and curing normally used. In general, for a given set of materials the strength of a concrete block will increase with its density.
Modulus of Elasticity
As a general rule, the modulus of elasticity of concrete blocks can be assumed to be related to their strength, increasing as strength increases. However, in the case of aggregate concrete blocks it is greatly influenced by the type of aggregate used and, in the case of autoclaved aerated concrete, by the degree of aeration. The modulus of elasticity is not normally quoted and when this information is required the manufacturer should be asked to furnish it.
Dimensional Changes
Concrete blocks will undergo some dimensional changes owing to variations in the ambient moisture and temperature conditions. The magnitude of such movements, to a varying degree, is largely influenced by the constituent materials ( mainly the aggregate), mix proportions and the process of block-manufacturing adopted. Drying shrinkage is considered to be the most important in normal applications. It should be noted, however, that the drying shrinkage of concrete blocks can be reduced significantly by ensuring that the blocks are properly matured and by preventing them from becoming excessively wet on site prior to their use.
The thermal coefficient of expansion of concrete blocks ranges between 8 and 12×/K, with autoclaved aerated and artificial lightweight aggregate concrete blocks usually having a value
around 8×/K.
由于环境湿度和温度条件的变化,混凝土砌块的尺寸将会发生一些变化。尺寸变化的大小在很大程度 上受组成材料(主要是集料)、配合比和砌块的制造过程的影响。在正常使用中,干燥时的收缩被认为是最重要的。然而,应该注意的是,通过确保混凝土砌块的适当成型,并防止它们在使用前在现场过湿,可以显著减少混凝土砌块的干燥收缩。
In general, concrete blocks are adequately durable for most normal applications. As a general rule, in extreme conditions pollution (chemical attack) and weather (frost attack), fair faced blocks with strength in excess of 7 N/ should be used. It should be noted that open-textured blocks are no more susceptible to frost attack than other blocks owing to the freedom with which water can move within the block on freezing.
一般来说,对大多数普通用途,混凝土砌块具有足够的耐久性。按一般规律,在污染(化学气体)和(气候冰冻侵蚀)的恶劣条件下,应当使用强度超过7N/ 的平饰面砌块。应当注意,开放组织的砌块由于在结冰时水能在砌块中自由移动,并不比其它砌块更容易遭受冰冻的侵蚀。
Efflorescence of the type found in clay bricks is rarely a problem with concrete blocks. Such efflorescence as occurs in concrete blocks normally consists of sodium, potassium and calcium carbonates formed as a result of a reaction between the corresponding free hydroxides brought to the surface and atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Fire Resistance
In general, concrete blocks have good fire-resistance properties. However, their actual fire-endurance is controlled by numerous factors, for example the type and grading of aggregate and the cement content in the mix, the form, weight and thickness of the block and its moisture content. As a general rule, most concrete blocks of 100 mm thickness can provide an adequate resistance to fire for up to 2 hours if load-bearing or up to 4 hours if nonload-bearing but specific information should be obtained from the manufacturer.
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